So this weeks pic of the week is a flower, whose name escapes me. If anyone can remind me what these are called, I'd greatly appreciate it. This is another "side of the road" pitstop, which seems to be causing much distress to the locals.
I hope I never stop acting like a tourist. I almost always have my camera on, I randomly pull to the side of the road without warning and wave at the pissed off locals as they pass me by. I can see them mouthing "f-ing tourist", which I can understand, because my behavior is very tourist-esque, and I've got a serious lack-of-tan going on at the moment.
But I did not move to Maui so that I could become engrained in road rage and take my environment for granted. I came to Maui, because its ridiculously beautiful and the perfect place to raise my family. So to you locals, who seem to have lost your way a bit, take some advice from the pasty white psuedo tourist and instead of flicking me off, appreciate that I still look around and say "Damn I'm lucky to live here".